Easter 2025

No event has changed history more than the first Easter weekend. Join us this Easter to find out why.

Maundy Thursday 17 April

3pm - Litter Pick
4pm - All-age communion service

On the night before he died, Jesus served his friends. We will be serving our local community this Maundy Thursday by doing a litter pick around the Kingsway Estate.

After the litter pick we’ll gather at church for a short communion service.

Good Friday 18 April

10:30am - All-age service

Why did Jesus have to die? What does that mean for us?
Find out why it’s called ‘Good Friday’ at our service suitable for all ages.

2:00pm - Hour at the Cross

A quiet, meditative service focusing on Jesus’ death on the cross.

Easter Sunday 20 April

10:30am - Easter Day Celebration

He has risen! Jesus is alive!
Come and join the celebration at our Easter Day service for all ages, including communion.

Then after the service, if you are able to stay, we would love to welcome you for a jacket potato lunch and Easter egg hunt.

Surely this man was the Son of God!
— Mark 15:39

Want to find out more about the Christian faith?

After Easter we will be running a simple, short course exploring the Christian faith. Each session gives you the opportunity to ask questions and think about Jesus, God, the world and you. We’d love you to join us.

Alternatively, if you’d like to do the course yourself, simply head to www.321course.com and follow the instructions.